Queer Lion Award to “La Dernière Séance”
We are over the moon La Dernière Séance/ the last chapter by Gianluca Matarrese won the Queer Lion Award and we are so excited and honoured that we would just like to share the news with all of you.
We are over the moon La Dernière Séance/ the last chapter by Gianluca Matarrese won the Queer Lion Award and we are so excited and honoured that we would just like to share the news with all of you.
A sexual adventure between a master and a slave becomes a daring and intimate exchange between two generations
We are proud and grateful to announce we just got onboard of this intimate and daring documentary that will be the closing film of the International Film Critics Week 2021 -Venice Film Festival https://www.sicvenezia.it/en/films/la-derniere-seance/ Don’t miss it: Screening Schedule:Press/Industry: 09/09/2021, 8.30am, Sala PerlaPremiere: 10/09/2021, 14.00, Sala PerlaRerun: 11/09/2021, 9.00am, Sala Perla La dèrniere séance
DIDA is keeping on travelling and it’s a long tour. We are so proud of it!! From its premiere in Switzerland at Visions du Réel to Kiev at Molodist, going up to the North in Iceland at Icedocs moving back to the Balkans to Dokufest in Kosovo to Makedox in Macedonia where it just won the YOUNG…
What happens when roles reverse and parents suddenly become dependent on their children?
We are super thrilled to announce our latest acquisition DIDA, by Nikola Ilić and Corina Schwingruber Ilić. A heartwarming documentary, with the great news of its International Premiere at Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival Check the dates: 04.06 | 12:30ZHOVTEN CINEMA | KINOMAN 05.06 | 15:00KINO42
We are starting our journey full of emotions with our beloved ‘Waiting Time‘ . We are in Copenhagen at CPH:DOX, as part of the Italian Delegation!
James will have its online market screening at EFM in Berlin save the date: Virtual Cinema 30 on 03.03.2021 at 13:55 . See you there!
Story of Teresa, a midwife, an experienced and revolutionary woman, who guides and supports women during pregnancy.